Ask, Seek, Knock, & Find.

Welcome to our website. This is an online resource used to facilitate Bible study by providing access to informational videos, notes, and people to help you find the biblical answers you are seeking.​​

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Sunday School: 10:00 AM (Click here)

Sunday Memorial: 11:15 AM (Click here)

Wednesday: 7:30 PM (Click here)

Visit our Ecclesia

You can find us at 182 East Ave., Tallmadge, Ohio, 44278 

Maybe you'd like to start reading the Bible daily and you aren't sure where to start? How can you find a consistent way to read it daily without feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or confused? I'd like to share with you an exciting method that takes about 30 minutes each day and has been successfully used for over a hundred years: The Bible Companion.

Daily Bible Readings